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1. Unzip the Cydia impactor file and run it. 2. Connect your iOS device to your computer and trust the computer on your iOS device. 3. Drag NvwaStone_1.0.ipa into Cydia impactor app. 4. Input you email address( it’s your apple id) 2014/06/30 2014/06/29 2014/11/06 2009/09/29 2017/11/14 2014/08/12
Pangu team just released Pangu 9.1 version 1.3.0 for untethered jailbreak iOS 9.1 through 9.0 running Apple devices. This is breaking Pangu team's silence after several iOS upgrades. Pangu 9.1 is the only jailbreak tool for iOS 9.1 at the moment and world renowned jailbreak developers have certified it as a clean tool with latest Cydia update. Sep 29, 2009 · Hello, PanGu 1.1.0 is now available. PanGu Website. PanGu is now in English. Imgur. Mac version is also available. PanGu has removed the option to install 25pp in the English version, only Cydia will be installed. COMPATIBILITY. PanGu Jailbreaks. 7.1. 7.1.1. 7.1.2. DOWNLOADS. Download from PanGu official website Click Here. MIRRORS. Download How to jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod touch running iOS 7.1.2 – iOS 7.1 using Pangu; If you’re on iOS 7.0.6 or lower then check this webpage for links to the latest tutorials on how to jailbreak your iOS device. Can Pangu Jailbreak iOS 10? Pangu Jailbreak supports iOS 9.3.3 and lower. So as mentioned earlier, it cannot jailbreak iOS 10.3.3 Aug 26, 2014 · iOS7.1.2を脱獄したいのですが、パソコンで脱獄させるためのソフトを入れた時にパソコンにウイルスが入ったりするのですか?お礼100枚‼︎‼︎‼︎‼︎‼︎‼︎‼︎‼︎ iOS7.1.2はPanguを使用する為にDLするのですが、公式のサイトからDL Pangu is a remarkable name in the jailbreak community since they released their very first Pangu untethered Jailbreak for iOS 7.1 – iOS 7.1.2 versions. After that, they released Pangu 8 Jailbreak for iOS 8.0 – iOS 8.1, Pangu 9 Jailbreak for iOS 9.0 – iOS 9.1, Pangu9 (EN Version) for iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3 versions as well as Apple TV 1. Unzip the Cydia impactor file and run it. 2. Connect your iOS device to your computer and trust the computer on your iOS device. 3. Drag NvwaStone_1.0.ipa into Cydia impactor app. 4. Input you email address( it’s your apple id) 5. Input your apple ID password. 6. Click OK button to continue. 7. 対応デバイスiOS7.1-7.1.1が動く全デバイスダウンロードPangu.io↑のMac OS または、Windowsからダウンロード※記事執筆時点では、Windows版のみやり方ダウンロードした「Pangu_v1.0.exe」を起動しま
ステップ1 ソフト起動 まずは、ダウンロードした「Pangu」を. 本日、中国のPanGu Teamから、iOS 7.1/7.1.1/7.1.2 Untethered Jailbreakツール「Pangu」がリリースされました。
中国のPanGu Teamから、iOS 8.0~8.1 に対応したJailbreakツール「Pangu for iOS 8」がリリースされました。早速使ってみましたので、使用方法や注意点をまとめておきます。 ※Jailbreakを行うとAppleの保証外となります。 こんばんは、くろさるです。 今日は、 iOS 7.1.1 にバージョンアップした iPad 3 を「Pangu」を使って脱獄してみました。 まだMac版は公開されていないので、Windows版をダウンロードします。 As once Ian beer released iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 exploit many jailbreak tools arrived for iOS 11, everyone expects it will hit iOS 11.2 Jailbreak using this kernel exploit. According to Russ Cox Kernel exploit support list, it will work on iPhone 5S and later, iPad Air and later, iPod touch 6 devices running iOS 11.2, iOS 11.2.1 & iOS 11.2.2. PanGu 9 is like-minded by every one iPad mini 3 mock-up management every one taste of iOS 9.1, as well as iOS 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 as well as 9.1.4. though PanGu 9 machinery on whichever iOS 9.1 firmware. iOS 9.1 all the way through 9.1.4 it is not compulsory to promote the apparatus to the previous description of the firmware earlier than 最新のOS であるiOS7.1.2でもJailbreak可能な 「Pangu」 という脱獄ツールの紹介です。 脱獄する前に初心者はこの記事を読んでおくことをお勧めします。Jailbreakすること利点、欠点 準備物> ・iOS 7.1.Xの端末 ・Pangu ダウンロードはここから
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